diy kitchen roll feature

DIY Zero Waste Kitchen Roll- reusable Kitchen Roll

Kitchen Roll is quite convenient and kinda looks good on the kitchen counter. If you decide to live zero waste or to reduce your waste, it would be a shame not to use the old kitchen roll holder anymore.

There are recycled kitchen roll alternatives out there. Recycled paper roll in degradable plastic packaging, like the loo roll we buy. But then again, its still unnecessary paper and resources waste, if you can recycle some old towels and sheets/ pieces of fabric, into a nice reusable kitchen roll. It also make a nice moving in/new home present.

The roll is made of single kitchen roll sized sheets, that are connected with poppers. Its not that difficult to sew and you could even do it without a sewing machine, it just take a lot longer.

You will need:

10 piece of fabric in the size of kitchen roll paper

10 pieces of towel in the size of kitchen roll paper

Poppers or Velcro



Take the fabric and the towel and cut them in the right size. I had so many Ikea facecloths, which I bought when I was pregnant and never used. I used the size of the cloth to cut my fabric, its fits my kitchen roll holder perfectly.

Lay a piece of fabric, the wrong way round, on top of a piece of towel. Then sew them together, leaving a wee hole. Do that with all your fabric and towel, until you have 10 pieces of kitchen roll.

Through the wee hole, pull the towel inside out, so the right side of fabric is visible. Then sew the hole closed by hand.

Mark on each towel three spots on one side and then the opposite side. That will help place the poppers on the right position. Each piece will have 6 poppers in total.

When all the poppers are securely fasten, you can click the pieces together.

Use like you would use paper kitchen roll, but throw it in the washing instead of the bin.


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