glass bottle feature

How To Make Glass Spray Bottles and Soap Dispensers

When we stopped buying shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and cleaning products, I kept the bottles to refill them with either soap, homemade or bulk cleaning products. After nearly a year of use, my shampoo and spray bottles, broke and looked really shabby. I didn’t want to buy new products in plastic bottles, so I checked online for glass spray bottles. The glass spray bottles are priced at about £10 each. They will probably be send in plastic and bobble wrap, for safety reasons. I wanted a cheaper and more effective  alternative.

I use quite a bit of vinegar to clean my home. Some vinegar bottles have the right size, to fit the spray head or pump nozzle of old plastic spray bottles and soap dispensers. You just screw them on the glass bottle and your done. Easy and effective.

I think a glass spray bottle or shampoo pump dispenser look a lot smarter, then plastic ones.




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