farmbox feature

5 Reasons To Order An Organic Farm Box

I am so happy with my organic farm box delivery. Every Friday I get a big box of the yummiest and freshest vegetables and fruit. The food is organic, local and free from harmful substances.

This is why you should check online, if you have a local farm, delivering food to your doorstep.

1.The food comes unpacked- or minimal packed in paper bags, which produces less landfill waste. Most shops sell organic food heavily packed in plastic. It’s terrible to wrap organic fruit and veg in plastic and totally doesn’t make sense from the health point of view.

2.Home delivery-more time to do other thing! You can spend your time doing what you love instead of spending time going grocery shopping and spending extra money on things you don’t need.

3.Flexible- you can choose items you like and adjust your order accordingly. For example: order a cucumber every week but get potato delivered every forthright. You can edit your order or cancel any time. As I plan my meals I only order what we need. No more food waste- only yummy fresh food.

4.More then just fruit and veg- Most farms can also deliver toilet paper, honey and spreads and you could get large amount of Castile soap or refill your washing up liquid etc.

5.Local and organic- You know where your food comes from. You get better quality and help the environment by buying sustainable farmed food without pesticides and other nasty’s.

My organic farm box is from East Coast Organics Ltd. in Edinburgh. They farm biodynamic and the fruit and veg are always fresh and delicious.






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