DIY Non Toxic Lip balm

I don’t buy lip balm anymore. It’s so easy to make one yourself. You can varriate the flavour after your own taste. My favourite combinations are, cocoa butter with orange or mint. This lipbalm only contains a few natural, non toxic ingrediencts, which can be bought package free or in glas. You can reuse an old lip balm tube or fill it in an old tin. Making your own lip balm, will prevent lots of plastic waste.

You need for one lip balm:

1 tbsp grated beeswax

1 tbsp. cocoa butter (or shea butter)

1 tbsp. coconut oil

3-5 drops essential oils (this is optional you could use mint, orange or vitamin e)

What to do:

Melt the beeswax, coconut oil and cocoa butter, in a double boiler.

When completely melted, add the essential oil to the mix.

Fill the liquid lip balm into an empty lip balm tube or tin. Let it cool down and harden completely.



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