Cumin Biscuits-Jeera Biscuits

My favourite biscuits! My In-Laws eat them every morning, with a cup of chai (masala tea). I love them with a cup of coffee. These biscuits are not too sweet and have a slightly salty note. In India or America you can buy them in large plastic boxes, here they don’t  sell jeera biscuits.

You need:

1cup flour (I use 1\2 cup  fine whole grain and 1\2 cup plain flour)

1/4-1/2cup powderd sugar

2-3tbsp corn flour

1/4tsp baking powder

1/2 cup butter

2tbsp milk

1/2tbsp cumin



Mix all ingredients in a bowl but only use 1/4tbsp of cumin, the rest will be sprinkled on top of the cookie.

Take a small amount of dough in your hand (size if a walnut) and roll it between your palms, into a small circle.

Press it a wee bit flat and arrange on baking tray.

Once you’ve made all the cookies, sprinkle the leftover cumin on top and bake for 15min at 180c.

Let the cookies cool down and store in airtight.




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