DIY Bee’s Wrap- Zero Waste And Non Toxic Food Storage

Cling film ade! When we went non toxic, I throw out my last roll of cling film. Storing food in plastic is not a good idea! Plastic leaches chemicals into our food, chemicals that are linked to cancer! I felt bad, when I researched the side effects of plastic, to our health. I used to wrap my husbands lunch in cling film, I used to wrap cheese in cling film, I used to wrap it around cut fruit and veg. Now, after going zero waste, I also hate that it isn’t degradable and how it will poison the planet and animals.

It’s a single use item, we use it, we chuck it! We don’t think, that it will be here on earth, for longer then we live. Out of sight-out of mind.

Anyways, I use bee’s wrap now instead of cling film. Bee’s wrap is just a thin cotton cloth, treated with beeswax. Some are also treated with jojoba oil and tree resin, to make it more clingy and sticky. I tried to make a homemade version, of the shop bought one, but I actually like the just beeswax version better. With jojoba oil the cloth makes grease marks on glass and working with pine resin is just super sticky!

I would suggest, not to use an old  bed sheet or likewise (unless GOTS certified), as they can be treated with fire-retardant and you don’t want that in your food either. just use organic cotton muslin or other thin fabric.

I bought one stick of beeswax from my bulk shop and I used an organic cotton produce bag, that I’ve cut up into squares.

You grate the beeswax, a food processor comes handy, and spread it evenly over your fabric. Heat up the oven about 150 c and put the fabric, on a baking tray, in the oven.

Bake for a few minutes until the wax is melted. You can take excess wax off with another piece of fabric or you can try spread it with a brush.

Let the bee’s wrap cool down and dry. It is now ready to be used,you can wrap fruit and veg in it, your sandwich, cheese or cover bowls.

This is a long-term investment, as you can wash the bee’s wrap with cold, soapy water, after every use and then just reuse it, when dry. When the bee’s wrap is used up, you can simply prime it, with fresh beeswax again. Sprinkle wax and pop it in the oven.


2 thoughts on “DIY Bee’s Wrap- Zero Waste And Non Toxic Food Storage

  1. Storm says:

    I’ve started using these beeswax wraps – they are really versatile and can be molded to whatever size and shape you need. Can be used for wrapping cheese and covering bowls. Thanks for the tips on how to make them – I’ll definitely try making my own when I need some more.


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