Chocolate Chip Cookies

My daughter loves these cookies.

I like it, when I make something and she eats it with glee.

I only use organic ingredients, so they are way better, then store-bought cookies.

I make them from bulk ingredients.

You need:

1cup plain flour

2tbsp corn flour

1/2cup powderd sugar

1/2tsp baking powder

1/2cup butter

1tsp vanilla extract

1/4-1/2 cup chocolate chips


Mix all ingredients into a smooth dough.

Take a walnut size dough ball, in your hand and roll it into a small round cookie.

Place the cookies on a baking tray and bake 18min at 180c.

Let the cookies cool down and store airtight.

Baking cookies at home, helped me to reduce waste. We don’t need to buy cookies in the shops anymore, so we don’t have the waste from the wrappers anymore.


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